1There are many people to thank and the following list is bound to be incomplete:
2The American Historical Association and the Gutenberg team at Columbia University Press, which made the publication of this monograph possible.
3The Centre for Women's Studies (now the Department of Gender Studies) at the University of Sydney, where I completed my master's degree. These were years during which the course of my life changed and also where this book's gestation began. A special 'thank you' is due to Sue Himmelweit.
4Barbara Caine for believing in me in the nebulous embryonic stages of this odyssey, and for suggesting I talk with Glenda Sluga.
5Glenda Sluga, my PhD supervisor, colleague, and friend, for her tremendous instincts, the invaluable guidance, and continuing support, for which I cannot thank her sufficiently.
6Eleni and Giorgos Varoufakis, for their generous and enterprising efforts to put me in touch with people and archives, when I was still a relative stranger in Athens.
7Eleni Skourtsi for pointing me in the right archival direction—which was invaluable given the labyrinthine ramshackle nature of Athens and its archives. Eleftheria Tsavara from the Etaireia Ellinon Logotechnon (Hellenic Literary Association) and Anna Michopoulou from Spiti ton Gynaikon (House of Women), who gave me access to the largest archive of the post-war women's movement, which has not seen the light of the day since the movement's heyday, and without which I could not have completed chapters 5 and 6. I owe a great debt to the women who run the library attached to the Grammateia Isotitas (Government Secretariat for Equality) for their immense generosity; Ioanna at the ASKI/Archeia Syghronis Koinonikis Istorias (Contemporary Social History Archive) in Athens, for giving me access to invaluable and unseen (at the time) documents of the Civil War period; 'Nikos' (whose surname I never knew), who assisted me with the Metaxas archives at the Old Parliament House in Athens.
8Nick Doumanis—for his counsel, encouragement, and comments on drafts of various chapters.
9Vasilis Droukopoulos—for his meticulous proofreading and generosity of spirit.
10The survivors of the Resistance and Civil War who keep the spirit of that generation's plight alive in tiny pockets of the Athens sprawl, and without whom the city would be far poorer. I thank them for their open arms and their willingness to share painful memories with a perfect stranger. I shall never forget them.
11My family, whose silences and neuroses provided me with the purpose and inspiration to pursue the complex history of the Civil War. I especially thank my late father, Nikos Anagnostopoulos, and my maternal grandmother, Georgia, both of whom fought in that war (albeit in different ways) and remain(ed) to this day hostage to those memories. I owe much to my mother, Maria, whose myriad discontents I now understand quite differently, and to whom I owe my eternal gratitude for making the final stages of this book possible by caring for my daughter.
12I thank Yanis Varoufakis for his moral, emotional, intellectual, and material support during my years as a doctoral student, without which I would not have embarked on this path. Thank you.
13Lastly, I thank our daughter Xenia, who sustains in me the energy and inspiration to conquer seemingly insurmountable challenges, with grace.