“I Saw a Nightmare…”
Doing Violence to Memory: The Soweto Uprising, June 16, 1976
by Helena Pohlandt-McCormick

Archive Home ... Browse by Place ... Dobsonville

WRAB office, Dobsonville. Source: SAB K345, exhibit 328
Beer hall (Indingilize), Dobsonville. Source: SAB K345, exhibit 328
Beer hall, Dobsonville. Source: SAB K345, exhibit 328
Office, Dobsonville. Source: SAB K345, exhibit 328
Indingilize bottle store. Source: SAB K345, exhibit 328
Beer hall. Source: SAB K345, exhibit 328
Post office (Mazondo), Dobsonville. Source: SAB K345, exhibit 328
Bottle store, Dobsonville. Source: SAB K345, exhibit 328
Broken window. Source: SAB K345, exhibit 328
Hostel, Dobsonville. Source: SAB K345, exhibit 328
Hostel, Dobsonville. Source: SAB K345, exhibit 328
Library, Dobsonville. Source: SAB K345, exhibit 328
WRAB office. Source: SAB K345, exhibit 328
Offices. Source: SAB K345, exhibit 328
Supermarket, Dobsonville. Source: SAB K345, exhibit 328
Shopping center, Dobsonville. Source: SAB K345, exhibit 328
George Khoza Secondary School Dobsonville. Source: Civil Case WLD 6857 (1977), Vol. 440