Table 7.1

Women and Wills, Deeds of Gift, and Deeds of Conveyance

Women and Wills
As testators    10
As beneficiaries
Inheriting real property
Inheriting chattels only
Unspecified inheritance
  1    55 (including 9 executrices) 65
Women and deeds of gift or conveyance
As transferors    4
As transferees
Receiving real property
Receiving chattels only
  2    19 23
Total 88

Notes: Only women who lived on and/or had property interests on the southern Avalon are included in this tally. Female beneficiaries of southern-Avalon testamentary documents who were resident in St. John's, England, or Ireland and who inherited property outside the study area were excluded.

Sources: Database compiled by the author, as described in Appendix B.
