Frida Tobin v. Mary Bony
29 September 1818
Before John Gordon, Surrogate
Pltf complains of an assault and states that she was struck several times by the Deft her Mistress without any provocation, and that the Deft refuses to pay the wages due agreeably to the Shipping paper produced in Court by the Pltf being from 7th. April to 31st. Octr. 1818. The deft appearing in Court admits that she did assault the Pltf but does not refuse to pay the Wages
Decreed that deft do pay the Pltf the balance of Wages and a fine of two Shillings to our Sovereign Lord the King with Costs.
Sources: PANL, GN 5/4/C/1, St. Mary's, 47-48, Frida Tobin v. Mary Bony, 28 September 1818.