The Berrigan women
John William Saunders & Co. v.Thomas Berrigan
17 September 1832
Before Justice Edward B. Preston with William Carter and Robert Carter, JPs
This is an action brought to recover £2.6.6 Stg. being the balance due Pltffs. for the Rent of a Room in Renews whereon the Defd. has a Fishery
Deff. having been called did not appear. Michael Jackman, serving officer, sworn proves the service of the Writ on Defd.
J. W. Sanders, sworn, states the Defendant is justly and truly indebted to Pltffs the sum of £2.6.6. Stg
Judgment £2.6.6 Stg by Default
J. W. Saunders Esqr. v. Thomas Berrigan
Writ no. 8 issued 25 September for return 1 November 1836
Action in Ejectment
Remarks: 2/6 [costs] due Verdict for Defendant
John W. Saunders v. Thomas Berrigan
3 and 5 November 1836
Circuit Court
Before Chief Justice Augustus DesBarres with Robert Carter, JP
In Ejectment. The Parties appear in person and agree to be ready for Trial on Saturday the 5th Instant.
Saturday, November 5, 1836
In Ejectment. To recover possession of a Fishing Room and premises with the appurtenances sitiuated at Renews bounded on the North West by the Harbour on the South East by Crows nest Room and on the South West by Shuddy's Room and on the North East by Thomas's Room
Demurer laid 1st May 1835 Ejectment 2nd May 1835
Plaintiff [appears] in Person
Defendant [appears] in Person
The Defendant pleads the Genl. Issue
[A Petty Jury is empanelled]
The Plaintiff states his case and calls the following Evidence
Thomas Mahoney Storekeeper to the Plaintiff sworn
Thomas Congdon Esqr sworn
The Defendant states his case and calls the following Evidence
Mary Gearing sworn
His Lordship charged the Jury who retired and on their return delivered into Court the following Verdict
Not Guilty
John Rossitter
Regina v. Anastatia Berrigan et al.
3 September 1838
Before Robert Carter, Justice JP
Philip Wright Esqre. late Deputy Sheriff, complains of having been violently assaulted at Renews on the 16th day of August last whilst in the lawful execution of his duty by the following persons viz. Anastatia Berrigan, Edward Berrigan, Alice Berrigan Bridget Berrigan & Walter Barron, and prays that they may be bound to keep the peace towards him, and also to appear in the Supreme Court on the first day of next Term to stand their Trial for said offence ~ Warrants were accordingly issued to bring the parties before the Court
Wright also complains that one John Fitzgerald, a Labourer at Renewse, failed to offer him assistance in carrying the Queen's Writ into effect and asks that he be tried for the matter.
Regina v. Edward Berrigan, Alice Berrigan, Bridget Berrigan et al.
20 September 1838
Before Robert Carter, JP
Edward Berrigan, Alice Berrigan, and Bridget Berrigan against whom a Complaint was made on 3rd Inst. together with some others for having assaulted the Deputy Sheriff at Renewse on the 16th day of August, where this day brought up under Warrants, and entered into Sureties to appear in the Supreme Court on the first day of next Term to take theire Trial, and also to keep the peace for the next twelve months, the other parties against whom Warrants were issued gave the required Surety before Allan Goodridge Esqre. at Renewse, except Walter Barron, who did so at St. John's.
Regina v. William Berrigan, Anastatia Berrigan, Bridget Berrigan, and Alice Berrigan
31 December 1842
Before Robert Carter, JP
This day appeared John Stephenson Esquire, Deputy Sheriff of the Southern District and deposed on Oath,
That he was violently assaulted at Renews this day by William Berrigan, Anastatia, Bridget & Alice Berrigan while in the Execution of his Duty upon a Writ of Possession issuing out of the Supreme Court of this Island, against the property of Thomas Berrigan the Elder.
Whereupon, Warrants were issued against the said William, Anastatia, Bridget & Alice Berrigan, and delivered to Sullivan the Officer of the Court to execute.
Regina v. William Berrigan, Alice Berrigan, Bridget Berrigan, and Anastatia Berrigan
31 January 1843
Before Robert Carter, JP
This day, William, Bridget & Alice Berrigan of Renews was brought before the Sitting Magistrate by Sullivan the Officer, against whom Warrants were issued on the 3rd. Instant, for a violent assault on, and obstructing John Stephenson Esquire Deputy Sheriff, at Renews in the Execution of his Duty. The aforesaid parties having entered into their several Bonds to keep the peace for 12 Months and appear at the next General Quarter Sessions of the peace to answer the Complaint made against them by John Stephenson Esquire Deputy Sheriff, the said parties were discharged
Anastatia Berrigan being unable to attend from Sickness, her bond was forwarded to Alan Goodridge Esquire J.P. at Renews to be there perfected.
Regina v. William Berrigan, Alice Berrigan, Bridget Berrigan, and Anastatia Berrigan
23 February 1843
Before Robert Carter and Mathew Morry, JPs
Grand Jurors sworn.
Bills of Indictment were sent to the Grand Jury against the following persons for Riot and assault on John Stephenson Esquire, Deputy Sheriff in the Execution of his Office Grand Jury finds a True Bill. Petty Jurors sworn.
Crown Witnesses Sworn ~ ~ ~
John Stephenson Esquire (Dpty. Shff)
Francis Geary
Richard Sullivan
Witness for Prisoner's
Benjamin WillcoxThomas Dinn Junr.
Christopher HordenThomas Berrigan Junr.
The Petty Jury return a Verdict
Not Guilty
Regina v. James Gearing Sr., Benjamin Wilcox [also Willcox], Edward Berrigan, Anastatia Berrigan, Thomas Berrigan Sr., and Thomas Berrigan Jr.
13 June 1843
Before Robert Carter, JP
Appeared this day John William Saunders Esquire of Renews and complained on Oath that he was assaulted on the 9th. Instant at Renews by James Gearing Senior and by him, prevented from exercising a right of a certain fishing Room, situate at Renews, aforesaid ~ ~ ~
The Complainant also deposeth on Oath, that he was assaulted, and put in bodily fear by Benjn. Wilcox also of Renews, (fisherman). and the said Complainant also deposeth on Oath that he/he was assaulted and threatened at Renews on the 12th. Instant by Edward, Anastatia and Thomas Berrigan Junior, as also by Thomas Berrigan Senior, and that the said John William Saunders considers that his Life is in Danger from the frequent assaults and threatenings of the said parties, Complainant therefore prays the intervention of the Law ~ ~ ~
Upon the said Complaint, warrants were issued against the said parties, namely, James Gearing Senior, Benjamin Willcox, Edward Berrigan, Anastatia Berrigan, Thomas Berrigan Senior, Thomas Berrigan Junior. ~ ~ ~
Regina v. Thomas Berrigan Sr., and Anastatia Berrigan
14 June 1843
Before Robert Carter, JP
Thomas Berrigan Senior and Anastatia, his Wife was brought to the Court this day by the Officer (Sullivan) against whom a Warrant was issued Yesterday the 13th. Instant for an assault upon John William Saunders Esquire of Renews, who having entered into the required securities to keep the peace for 12 Months from this date, was discharged.
Regina v. James Gearing Senior
20 June 1843
Before Robert Carter, JP
This day appeared James Gearing Senior Renews agt.. whom a Warrant was issued on the 13th. Instant upon examination of James Dutton on Oath there did not appear sufficient cause to enforce a peace bond against the said James Gearing Senr. who was discharged accordingly.
Regina v. Edward Berrigan
27 June 1843
Before Robert Carter, JP
This day appeared Edward Berrigan of Renews, (fisherman) against whom a Warrant was issued on the 13th. Instant upon the Complaint of John William Saunders Esquire of Renews, and the said Edward Berrigan having entered into security to keep the peace and appear when called on to appear and answer to any Indictment that may be exhibited against him was discharged.
Regina v. Thomas Berrigan Jr.
5 February 1844.
Before Robert Carter and Mathew Morry, JPs
Thomas Berrigan Junr. against whom a Warrant was issued on the 13th. day of June last, for an assault on John Wm. Saunders Esqr. of Renews was brought to the Court by Sullivan the Officer, and having entered into the required security to keep the peace for 12 Months was discharged.
Sources: PANL: GN 5/2/C/1, Box 2, 12, John William Sanders & Co. v. Thomas Berrigan, 17 September 1832; GN 5/2/C/4, Writ no. 8, J. W. Saunders Esqr. v. Thomas Berrigan, issued 25 September for return 1 November 1836, Action in Ejectment; GN 5/2/C/3, 1835-47 journal, 62 and 64-65, John W. Saunders v. Thomas Berrigan, 3 and 5 November 1836; GN 5/2/C/8, 74 and 76-77, John W. Saunders v. Thomas Berrigan, 3 and 5 November 1836; GN 5/4/C/1, Ferryland, box 1, Regina v. Anastatia Berrigan et al., 3 and 20 September 1838; PANL, GN 5/4/C/1, Ferryland, box 2, Regina v. William Berrigan, Anastatia Berrigan, Bridget Berrigan, and Alice Berrigan, 31 December 1842 and 31 January and 23 February 1843; GN 5/4/C/1, Ferryland, box 2, Regina v. James Gearing Sr., Benjamin Wilcox, Edward Berrigan, Anastatia Berrigan, Thomas Berrigan Sr., and Thomas Berrigan Jr., 13, 14, 20, and 27 June 1843; and GN 5/4/C/1, Ferryland, box 2, Regina v. Thomas Berrigan Jr., 5 February 1844.