Ellen [also Ellon] Veal v. Mary Bowen
22 July 1822
Before William Phipard, Justice of the Peace
Plaintiff complains of an assault—and states that she went to Defendants House to ask of her for what reason she shoud have caused such a report about her that Catharine St Croix had heard Ellon Tobin say she shoud have caried Lyes and storys up the harb in relation to Mrs. Bishop and her deceased Husband. which she denied to be true—a few words ensued when Defendant ran to me—and struck me several times, and drew blood ~~
Ellon Tobin Sworn} | And deposed—she was at Defendants house on Saturday the 20th. Inst. July ~ when Plaintiff came and stood at the door ~ bid her the time of the day which was returned by Defendant—She was then in the act of nursing a Child ~ which she put from her arms and went to the Plaintiff ~ saw both Plaintiff and Defendant very shortly after entangled with each other—and both in the act of striking and blood running from the Plaintiff—Defendant asked if she had enough of it—she replyed she had ~ when they parted ~ cant say which of the Parties struck first - |
Mary Molly Sworn} | States she was present when Plaintiff called at Defendants House on the 20 July—Asked Defendant what Lyes and Storys She had been saying about her up the Harbour—that Nell Tobin had told her so—Defendant requested her to go from the House not to stay there to make an oration of it—that if she did not She woud turn her off—Plaintiff swore God if She did, she woud break the Bucket over her head. Defendant then went to the Plaintiff, saw them directly after entangled with each other And in the act of stricking heard Plaintiff say she shoud not have but the half of it ~ cannot say which struck first ~ |
Defendant appearing in Court states that Plaintiff called at her House on the 20th. July ~ Asked her the reason why She shoud report such Lyes and storys about her ~ and that her Daughter shoud have received a pair of Shoes from James Barry—that Nell Tobin had told her so—I then ordered her imediately from my House and uphand [?] it ~ when She swore She woud not—puting away the Child that I had in my arms at the time—endeavoured to turn away—at which she resisted—and broke the Pipe that I was smoaking off in my mouth, and I struck Her -
This case to stand over for the decision of the first surrogate—visiting this Port.
Court of Sessions
1 August 1822
Before R. C. Curry, Surrogate and JP, and William Phipard, JP
The Court decreed that the parties should find Bail £5 each to keep the peace for One Twelve month-
Patk. Fitzgerald [bondsman] for Deft
Jno. Davis [bondsman] for Pltf -
1 August 1822
Before R.C. Curry, Surrogate and JP, and William Phipard, JP
Be it remembered that on the 1st day of August 1822 in the 2nd Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord the King-Ellen Veal & Mary Bowin—Patk. Fitzgerald and John Davis all of the District of St. Marys personally came before us R. C. Curry Esqr. Surrogate and William Phipard Esqr. Justice of the Peace in the said District and acknowledged to owe our Sovereign Lord the King that is to say Patk. Fitzgerald and John Davis the Sum of £5 each of good and lawful Money of Great Britain to be made and levied of their Good & Chattels respectively to the use of our Lord the King his Heirs and Successors if the said Ellen Veal and Mary Bowin shall make default in the conditions hereunder written
The conditions are that the said Ellen Veal and Mary Bowin shall keep the Peace with all His Majestys Subjects particularly with themselves for One whole Year from the date hereof
Signed {
Jno. Davis
Patk. Fitzgerald
Acknowledged before us
R. C. Curry { Surrogate
& Justice Peace
William Phipard Justice Peace
Sources: PANL, GN 5/4/C/1, St. Mary's, 116-17 and 119-20, Ellen Veal v. Mary Bowen, 22 July and 1 August 1822.