Elizabeth Sutton
License granted 30 September 1794
By Sir James Wallace Knt. Rear Admiral of
the White Governor and Commander in
Chief in and over the Island of
I James Wallace Knt. Governor of the Island of Newfoundland do allow and Licence Elizabeth Sutton of Trepassey Widow to keep a Common Ale House or Victualling House and to utter and sell Victuals, Beer, Ale, Cyder and other exciseable Liquors to be drunk in any part of Trepassey where she may chuse to reside for One whole year from the Twenty Ninth day of this present Month of September and no longer so as the true assize in bread, Beer Ale, and other Liquors hereby allowed to be sold be duly kept, and no unlawfull Game or Games, Drunkness, or any other disorder be suffered in her House, Yard Garden or Backside, but that good Order and rule be maintained and kept therein according to the Laws of the Realm of England in that behalf made, and that she does not Harbour or entertain at improper times or Seasons, Seamen, Marines, or Soldiers belonging to His Majesty's Ships of War and that she do not secret, Harbour nor entertain with undue quantities of Liquors, Seamen and employed in the Merchants Service or Servants employed in the Fishery during the Fishing Season under such Penalties as the Court of Sessions can legally inflict exclusive of being deprived of her Licence.
Given under my hand and Seal at Fort
Townshend St. Johns 30th September 1794
License Renewal—12 October 1800
Whereas Elizabeth Sutton a Widow with a small helpless Family, having Petitioned Captain Larkan of His Majestys Ship Camilla my Surrogate the 22nd Ulto, to renew a License granted her by His Excellency Sir James Wallace, the 30th September 1794, for keeping a Public House in the District of Trepassey.
I do thereby grant the request of the Petitioner, and she is hereby authorized to keep a Public House in the District aforesaid, upon the conditions and on observing the wholesome Regulations contained in the License abovementioned: -
(signed) Charles Morice Pole, Governor
Re: Elizabeth Sutton
28 September 1802
Before Micajah Malbon, Surrogate
Copy of Notice to Elizabeth Sutton, to desist from keeping a public house at Trepassey, she having applied for a Licence and afterwards refused to pay the fees.
Court House Trepassey
Septemr. 28th. 1802
It is my direction that you go to the house of Elizabeth Sutton of Trepassey aforesaid who lately kept a public house known by the sign of the Ship, and give her Notice to immediately take down the said sign and to desist from selling Ale Beer Spiritous liquors or other strong waters, as on the contrary her house will be pulled down and the penalty of £10 will be enforced against her
To Richard Lloyd
Constable for the
District of
Mic. Malbon
Note in Colonial Secretary's Letterbook
30 October 1802
Governor J. Gambier to Lt. McKellop (of the Trepassey Cutter), 30 October 1802.
Enclosing a complaint/petition of Michael Delahunty for his decision on arrival at Trepassey—& desiring that Eliz. Sutton may not be permitted to keep a Public House at that place unless she takes out a proper License for that purpose [details of Delahunty petition not given].
Re: Elizabeth Sutton
18 November 1802
Before Lieut. McKillop, Surrogate
Nov. 18th, 1802Trepassey, Surrogate Lieut. McKillop
The following person Received a License to Keep Public House at Trepassey
£ s
Elizabeth Sutton
fee thereon
Sources: PANL, GN 2/1/A: vol. 12, 268, liquor license granted by Governor James Wallace to Elizabeth Sutton of Trepassey, 30 September 1794; vol. 16, 7-8, liquor license granted by Governor Pole to Elizabeth Sutton, 12 October 1800; and vol. 17, 35, Governor Gambier to McKillop, 30 October 1802; and PRL, 340.9 N45, Trepassey–St. Mary's, Re: Elizabeth Sutton, 28 September and 18 November 1802.